Move More even when it is crazy cold outside!

When I woke up this morning, I was shocked that our outside thermometer read -17.  It’s crazy how we went from an extraordinarily warm December to what feels like an extraordinarily cold January. When it’s cold like this, it’s tempting to just cuddle under a warm blanket and binge on Netflix or read.  Though there […]

When Should You Buy Organic?

As you walk through the grocery store, do you have a hard time deciding when you should spend the extra money to buy organic produce?  I do. That decision is a little easier As you walk through the grocery store, do you have a hard time deciding when you should spend the extra money to […]

One Piece Won’t Hurt!

You’ve made the decision. You have committed to a healthier diet.  You are determined to cut out processed foods and sugar. You’ve worked hard and have switched to eat a diet rich in whole foods.  You feel better and want it to continue.  Then at a family function or a night out with friends, you start to get […]

Is It Time for Some Spring Cleaning?

It’s been a long winter….a really long one.  Winter can be hard!  It’s easy to let things go It’s easy to skip workouts It’s easy to move less and watch Netflixs more Maybe it’s time for some Spring Cleaning…. and I’m not talking about cleaning your house or yard.  I’m talking doing a little Spring […]

Healthy Junk Food Substitutions that Actually Taste Good

When you want a treat, do you crave sweet treats or salty treats?  So often when those cravings hit us, we resort to not so healthy options. So, here are a few healthier options you could use to “trick” those cravings. Salt Cravings Microwave Popcorn àAir pop popcorn then sprinkle with herbs like oregano, rosemary, thyme […]

8 Healthy Night Time Snacks

Does this sound like you? You do a pretty good job staying on track with your healthy eating all day, but when evening rolls around, it’s another story? Almost like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – health food addict –> junk food junky. I find evenings are difficult for me. When I eat in the […]

Are You Eating the Right Foods?

We hear it all the time  — eat clean.   But what does that really mean? Is it a fad? Is it a lifestyle? Is it purely organic foods? Is it only whole foods? Most nutritionists say that “clean eating” is another way of saying, “eat your fruits and vegetables and reduce processed foods.” Eating clean […]

You Can Find 20 Minutes

For many of us, school is back in session or will be soon.  That means a change in schedule. Maybe it will be calmer for you. Maybe more hectic.  Either way, it’s an exciting time, but also a stress filled time.  During the craziness, it is easy to let taking care of ourselves go. However, […]

You Gotta Pump That Iron

For years, I figured the only way I could lose or maintain my weight was through rigorous cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. I would run, climb the stair stepper, or take an aerobics based class for an hour 5 times or more a week. And it worked, kind of. As I grew older though, I started to […]

66 is the new 21

Sixty-six is the new 21 not in age, but for habits.  Previously, 21 was the “magic” number of days for creating a new habit or eliminating an old one.  Current research now believes it’s actually 66 continuous days. That number might feel daunting but you can do it. So often when we are ready to […]