Are You Eating the Right Foods?

We hear it all the time  — eat clean.   But what does that really mean? Is it a fad? Is it a lifestyle? Is it purely organic foods? Is it only whole foods?

Most nutritionists say that “clean eating” is another way of saying, “eat your fruits and vegetables and reduce processed foods.” Eating clean isn’t about only buying organic. It is about eating whole foods as close to their natural state as possible.  A guideline I like to use is – only eat it if it was grown on a plant or had a mother.

However, eating too many “clean foods” can still lead to weight gain.  Portion control and keeping macros in line is important.

Macros are the major nutrients our bodies need in large quantities such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.  They give us energy to sustain and perform body functions.  They are needed to improve overall wellness or help lose weight.

Protein – Recommendations vary based on the source and based on activity level and fitness goals. In general, women over the age of 19 need 46 grams per day and men need 56 grams per day.  Protein is found in more than just meat. Consider adding fish, nuts, beans, seeds, eggs and vegetables to your diet.  Eating diverse protein sources gives macrosyou a variety of vitamins and minerals too.

Carbohydrates – Some people go to great lengths to avoid carbs, but they are necessary to fuel your body.  The recommended daily allowance is 130 grams per day.  Instead of getting your carbs from white bread, pasta or potatoes, choose fruit, vegetables, steel-cut oats, quinoa, brown rice, and beans.

Fats – There is no recommended daily allowance for fat intake, but healthy fats are critical to keeping your body strong and healthy.  Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in oily fish or oils made from plants.  Other great sources include almonds, pistachios, seeds, and avocados. Fats help you absorb vitamins and other nutrients to keep your immune system strong, skin healthy, muscles lean, and more.

Micronutrients – We also need micronutrients or vitamins and minerals from food. There are many micronutrients we need, but the biggest are iron, vitamin D, and calcium.

So, the bottom line is to eat clean and make sure you are getting your macros in the right portions.  Portion Fix and 2B Mindset are designed to make sure you get all your macros.  Other options — apps like myfitnesspal make tracking your macros easy….now….if those apps could only cook for us 🙂 !

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