It’s Time To Feel Great Again

Have you not been feeling like the healthiest version of yourself lately? It might be just the winter blues (this winter feels like it has lasted forever) or it could be related to your food.  If you’re struggling with low energy and fatigue, bloating, unexpected weight gain, or unexplained breakouts… food could be playing a […]

It’s All About the Fundamentals

Success starts with mastering the basics. Every good athlete learns and practices the fundamentals. Basketball players practice shooting ever and over everyday. Professional baseball players take batting practice. Golfers work on the basics of their swings. Ask any successful coach and they will tell you that fundamentals win games. Same is true on our health […]

The Most Germ Infested Areas in your Home

Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, clean… steps we all have been doing to help minimize the spread of germs.  Picking up COVID from a surface is low according the the Center for Disease Control, but other nasties are lurking in some unexpected areas, like… Kitchen sponges and dishrags.  If you don’t switch them out […]

12 Days of Fitmas

The holidays are upon us and that means lots of fun, but also lots of stress! It is hard to stay on track with your health journey this time of year! But it doesn’t have to be about stress, over-eating, and merely surviving. It can be different. Would you like to ❄️ THRIVE this holiday […]

Could a Better Routine Help?

The holidays are upon us and our already crazy lives are going to get just a bit crazier!  Between the end of the semester, keeping quarantined students current, kids, household chores, shopping, planning, cooking and everything else, it is hard to take a breath.  That’s why creating and sticking to a regular routine is more […]

When All They Want to Eat is Chips, Pizza, Ice Cream, and Cake

There are all kinds of reasons people want to make changes in their health journey and there are just as many reasons why people don’t.  And that makes it hard, really hard, when you want to make changes but others you live with likes the status quo.  So, how do you make it work?  First, […]

Kicking it to Fitness

If you are looking for me this Fall, I am probably at a soccer game cheering on one of my boys, so it seems fitting that my next group has a bit of a Fall sports theme. I mean, why not? We can score goals, set up plays, make great passes, and celebrate our victories […]

Sitting is the New Smoking

Have you heard the saying, “Sitting is the New Smoking?”  Well, it is.  The phrase was crafted by Dr. James Levine, a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic.  Basically, any kind of extended sitting – at your desk, in the car, in front of the TV – can be harmful to your health.  And, we all […]

Time to Take it to the Next Level

Welcome to our July Self-Love Summer Virtual Wellness Club! I am so excited to bring the peaceful and calm energy of the beach to our homes this month with the reminder that every body is a beach body! You are exactly who, what and where you need to be, exactly as you are and summer or […]

When The Smell Is More Than You Can Take

Every time our teenage son comes home from practice, I can’t even stand next to him with his “fresh from the field” aroma. Somedays, it makes my eyes water. That smell not only permeates the room, it permeates his clothes as well. In our house, it is not only our boys with stinky clothes – […]