Emotional Wellness Series #4 – Feeling Thankful

What if today you only had what you were grateful for yesterday?

Good question to ponder. So often, we get caught up in what isn’t working or what isn’t right that we forget the good things we have in our life. Taking a few minutes each day to find something that we are grateful for can change the course of the day.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big thing. -- Robert BraultIt has been scientifically proven that people who regularly practice gratitude are:
1. Happier and more optimistic
2. Sleep better
3. Healthier physically
4. Sustain healthier relationships
5. More self-confident and feel better about themselves
6. More equipped for adversity

The easiest way to create an attitude of gratitude is by journaling. Simply keep a notebook in a convenient place. Write down the date and jot down one or two things you are grateful for that day. Then, do it daily.

Some days it might be hard. Don’t over think it. Just find something. It doesn’t need to be big. It can be something little like you have two feet, your car started, you have clean water to drink, your friend called…..

If you don’t want to journal, you can also just say it out loud. Some nights around the dinner table when the kids are complaining, I make them come up with one thing they are thankful for. Sometimes it takes them a long time, but eventually they do and their attitudes change a little.

Having an attitude of gratitude is a healthy choice.

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